Meidän välissä / Mellan oss / Between us (2023)

Meidän välissä / Mellan oss /Between us was showed in Gallery Elverket / Pro Artibus as an installation with video, drawings, photos and a tent
16.6.2023 – 7.1.2024.

The installation consist of a wall size photo print (4,5 m)  and looped video (42 min) in a tent (3mx3m) deals with the communication that occurs when faced with a work nearing completion or still in the making. The artist contemplates the importance of the intervening space in artistic encounters. In the video, Professor Tarja Pitkänen-Walter and artist Marika Orenius talk about artworks that are about to be exhibited. It was filmed in February 2023. Studio discussion is a basic tool in artist training in the Helsinki Academy of Fine Arts where they also both work, and so the artwork deals with art pedagogy.
The figures on the photo print are ancient statues or their torsos. They are arranged in a row and surrounded by drawings that symbolise the space between the figures or the relationships between the figures. Smaller photos with modern bodies, or their body parts are connected to the ancient torsos by presenting missing parts of the statues.